Kim Rankin

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Sunday Dinner: Cherry Cake Pudding

This is not a cooking blog.  Nor will it ever become one, because quite simply, I don't really enjoy cooking.  In fact, at one point this last week, I seriously considered making my Facebook status be "I HATE COOKING!"  But my father once told me hate is too strong of a word to use, and I thought the men of the house might read my status and put a big HELP sign in the front yard.

I don't always enjoy it, but I do cook. 

And I do try to make it somewhat appealing, especially on Sundays.

Rich grew up in a home where Sunday after-church meal was the highlight of the week.  We lived with his parents for years two through seven of our marriage.  I have many happy memories of time spent with Rich's mom. Cooking Sunday meals together are amongst my favorite memories.  I have tried to keep up the tradition by putting a little more effort into Sunday noon meal, which is our bigger meal of the day.  So if I ever share a recipe here - it will probably be on a Sunday. 

I started this post prepared to type out my recipe for this amazing, rich, warm, yummy Cherry Cake Pudding that I made today. I didn't take a picture of it, but was going to share the recipe anyway.  Then I remembered that this actually isn't MY recipe.  I got it from someone else's blog.  And she does have a cooking blog.  And she has amazing photos.  So instead of sharing the recipe, I'll just share the link: make this cake.  It is really good.

And if you want some encouragement on making Sundays a bit more special in your home, search for a copy of Karen Buron Mains' book Making Sunday Special.  It is a classic that I've had on my shelf for years and still find encouraging.