Kim Rankin

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Did You See These Amazing Photos?

Photo credit: Josiah Rankin

There have been numerous photo worthy moments for our family this last month. Which translates to very little time to write. Here's a brief summary and some great photos to share what's been happening.

Ben and Kristine are getting married! Josiah took photos of them just hours after Ben proposed. A week later, Ben and Kristine gave Nathaniel a teddy bear that was wearing a suit and holding a ring pop. Nathaniel squeezed the paw to hear Ben and Kristine's voices say, "Will you be our ring-bearer? We love you!"  Oooooo... we are all so excited! Wedding planning has been going well. They have set a date and have a venue. Last week, Kristine and I found the rehearsal dinner location.

Photo Credit: Josiah Rankin

Josiah earned Eagle Scout rank last month! We hosted a dinner party to celebrate and recognize three men (and their spouses) who were mentors to him. Josiah is our fourth Eagle Scout, but the requirements were no easier for him than any other young man. His Eagle project involved building wood components for the youth music team and room at our church.

Josiah has finished his senior year of high school. He decided to work ahead a little so he could take an extended spring break trip before starting his summer job as a sports photographer. He jumped on a train to New Mexico last Monday to visit his older brother, Andrew. Our oldest son, Jon joined them for this weekend. It is fun to think of three of our boys enjoying each other's company and growing adult friendships. The photo below was one I received this evening when I asked what they've been doing. Andrew works for Boy Scouts of America as a cowboy at Philmont High Adventure Camp. In addition to the seasonal scouting activities, the camp maintains full cattle ranch. Rich and Josiah will be going back to Philmont this summer for a twelve day, seventy mile back packing trek. They have completed some overnight hikes locally in preparation.

Photo Credit: Josiah Rankin

While Rich and Joe were off hiking, Nathaniel and I enjoyed time with Blaise, our granddaughter. She steals Grandma's heart and now that she's up on her feet, she's become a fun playmate for Uncle Nate. 

Little Uncle Nathaniel has been healthy this month! We are in the last week of a thirty day course of inhaled antibiotics. It has seemed to help him a great deal. Nathaniel sees all his annual and semi-annual specialists in April. In addition to those appointments and his weekly therapy, he's had a new physical therapy evaluation, been fitted for orthotics, and had lab work and cardiology testing. I'm still processing all the notes made at appointments. But most importantly, the reprieve from respiratory illnesses has allowed us time to enjoy all these wonderful family activities. And play in the mud a little.