All tagged Oral Feeding

Theories I Have Learned: Our Journey In Tube and Oral Feeding

"Do you hold him every time he receives a g-tube feed like breastfeeding an infant?" asked my friend, Kelly three months after we brought Nathaniel home.

Her question awakened a maternal instinct I had known five other times, but had not applied to Nathaniel. No, I thought to myself, but was hesitant to admit. Feeding Nathaniel involved a plastic button inserted through a hole into his stomach, a whirling pump hung on an IV pole, and a short tube connecting the two which delivered warmed formula at regular intervals. Feeding Nathaniel was dictated by a doctor; it was supervised and charted by a home health nurse. Feeding Nathaniel was a medical treatment.

At the time, Nathaniel was eleven months old. We had made the decision to feed Nathaniel in a high chair at a family meal as often as his feeding schedule allowed. Other feeds were usually given in his crib. Hours after Kelly's question, I settled into a rocking chair in his room and held him for the duration of his hour and a half g-tube feed; a mother's nurture and intuition was added to Nathaniel's feeding plan. 

What Nathaniel's Grandfathers Taught Me About G-Tube Feeding

Rich's father lived with us when Nathaniel came home in August, 2013. He was ninety-two years old at the time and required assistance with meals. My days were punctuated by preparing, serving, and keeping Grandpa company while he ate breakfast, lunch, dinner. Our family talked at length about how a new baby with intense medical needs would intersect with the responsibilities we were carrying at the time for Grandpa. Grandpa participated in some of those discussions. He firmly encouraged us to move forward with fostering and eventually adopting Nathaniel. He expressed a trust not in our ability to manage the additional demands, but in God's ability to help all of us adapt and make room for a little one who needed a family. "I can make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when I need to," I remembering Grandpa offering.

Nathaniel qualified for private duty nursing support, and I was immediately faced with the question of how to use that help. Do I leave Nathaniel in his bedroom with the nurse for the hours I spend in the kitchen and with Grandpa? Or do I include Nathaniel in those times and try to merge his medical care and staff intimately into family life? His brief stay at the pediatric rehabilitation hospital influenced the decision strongly. The morning of Nathaniel's discharged, I met a Craigslist seller on my way to the hospital and bought a used high chair. Three hours later, Nathaniel was within cane's reach of Grandpa at the table. Grandpa and Nathaniel spent mealtime side by side for close to year. Our day nurse at the time, Danielle, attended to Nathaniel while I prepared Grandpa's meal. Danielle and I slowing altered Nathaniel's g-tube schedule to match Grandpa's meal schedule. Daily at breakfast and lunch, she would warm her packed food and the four of us, plus any older boys who where home at the time, would gather around the table.

A Day Without G-Tube Feeds

My granddaughter can roll over. She did it the first time when her Nana, my son-in-law's mother, was taking care of her. My daughter called me to share the information excitedly later that day, "Blaise can roll over! Well... nobody actually saw her do it, but Jan laid her down on her back and went to heat her bottle, and Blaise was on her stomach when Jan came back."

I am jealous. Not because the other grandmother witnessed this milestone. Rather, my emotion stems from the contrast I sense in adults' reactions to Blaise and Nathaniel learning new skills.  It only took one time of rolling over for all the adults in Blaise's life, me included, to consider the skill achieved. Blaise CAN roll over. There is an unspoken assumption there - she did it once and we fully expect she will keep doing it. She CAN roll over. It means thinking twice about leaving her on the couch or bed. It means keep dangerous things further away. Once was all it took. 

Drink Formula, Eat Banana

We had a very happy little guy at dinner tonight. Nathaniel ate orally. And he loved it.

I had one overriding thought when the team in Cincinnati told me we could start oral feeds - "I want this to be simple." Advocating for someone's safety is hard work. Watchful waiting for three years is stressful. As we find a new routine to life post surgery, we are just beginning to see how much strain our whole family has lived with for a long time. Intense feeding therapy is the last thing I want to start right now.

When Nathaniel discontinued oral feeds, we decided to keep him at the family dinner table. He prayed with us. He listened and participated in our conversations. He received his g-tube feed while we ate. Almost nightly, he would reach for our silverware, plates, and glasses. I broke my heart. Often he ended the meal with someone's fork or spoon in his mouth. We kept his oral stimulation toys and other quiet activities available, but I think holding and pretending to use a utensil, even without food, gave him pleasure and helped him feel like he belonged.