Cost of Homeschooling - Part 1

A young mom recently asked for insights on a topic I've considered exploring- the costs involved in homeschooling.  I mentioned the subject to Rich and his initial response was exactly my own - financial costs or real life costs?

This is not a cooking blog.  Nor will it ever become one, because quite simply, I don't really enjoy cooking.  In fact, at one point this last week, I seriously considered making my Facebook status be "I HATE COOKING!"  But my father once told me hate is too strong of a word to use, and I thought the men of the house might read my status and put a big HELP sign in the front yard.

A Plan For Thankfullness

I have read Ann Voskamp's blog for a couple years, and eagerly awaited the publication of her book, One Thousand Gifts, last year. She's has become very popular recently!  Almost weekly, I open facebook and see a status update or blog link to her stuff. I find Ann's overarchy theme familiar - something my mother-in-law shared with me years ago when my husband, her son, was facing a cancer diagnoses. Recently Ann made note on her blog that she attends a Plymouth Brethern Bible Chapel.  Perhaps the similar life thesis to my mother-in-law's - finding things in each day for which to be thankful -  is because she too attended a Brethren chapel all her life. 

Years ago a friend mentioned that she and her husband were going through a spell of talking in sound bites. Busy life, hectic schedules, and frazled emotions left them with little opportunity to have longer conversations.  We've been there.  

More Than a Baseball Game

Obedience to authority is a fact of life.  Consequences for not being obedient haunt even adults.  Ever received a speeding ticket?  Then you understand these simple truths.  One of the goals of most parents is to instill this cause and effect reality in their children's heart.