Our marriage has been in a whirlwind since November when Rich started working out of town.  He was gone four nights a week for eleven weeks.  We had never dealt with this sort of arrangement, and it required purposeful adjustments. 

Dealing With Lying

A young parent recently emailed me a question about how to handle lying.  His daughter is in grade school, and has been testing the limits recently.  I suspect all kids go through this - or at least all seven of our have!

Build Deliberately

I am in the process of preparing two workshops for our community's annual homeschool conference the end of March.  In addition to reading, synthesizing, and outlining content for the talks, I'm making lists.

A Prayer for Departing Children

An answer to prayer walked through my door last night - an adult child returned home from a few days away.  I had wrestled with his departure, his destiniation, the unmapped future. His trip forced me to trust in God's love for him as greater than my own.  Forced me to trust in God's love to carry ME through whatever might happen to my son.